Installation using Ansible


  • Below guide is still in an experimental stage

  • Provided Ansible resources assume an apt based OS

OnSphere can be deployed using Ansible so that you don’t have to bother with each and every details.


Neither the Ansible install nor its configuration is covered in this guide. Provided Ansible playbook assumes requirements to be able to run any playbook on the host you are targeting (e.g Ansible installed, variables for ansible_user, ansible_become_password, …. properly populated, ssh access on host open, …) are available .

You can either copy/paste OnSphere Ansible files into your project or simply add OnSphere Ansible galaxy to your requirements file.

Requirements file (requirements.yml) example :

      type: dir
      version: main

To install the requirements simply call

ansible-galaxy install -r ./requirements.yml --force


This command assumes you are in the directory where the requirements file is located, if not, it is possible to replace ./requirements.yml with the file’s path (relative or absolute)

A basic playbook to install OnSphere could look like this :


This playbook will erase any already existing configuration matching the provided stack name.

- name: Deploy Onsphere
  hosts: main_node
  gather_facts: false
  become: true

  # For local deployment uncomment below
  # hosts: main_node
  # connection: local
  # become: false


    - include_vars: 
        file: "./osp-deploy-vault.enc"
      when: ansible_ssh_pass is undefined
    - name: Settings pre-required facts
        ansible_ssh_pass: '{{ vars["vault"]["target_ssh_pass"] }}' # FILL IN VAULT
        ansible_become_password: '{{ vars["vault"]["target_ssh_pass"] }}' # FILL IN VAULT
        overried_existing_requirements: false
        override_existing_stack: true
        config_to_deploy_path: ""
        sdn_nexus: ""
        portainer_config_path: "/opt/osp/portainer/"
        tmp_dir: "/tmp/osp-stack-deploy"
      when: ansible_ssh_pass is undefined

    - name: Settings Portainer and registry
        docker_registry: # Ask SDN for your registry credentials
          username: # FILL IN -> Your docker regitry username
          password: '{{ vars["vault"]["docker_registry_pwd"] }}'
          url: "{{ sdn_nexus }}"
          version: 3.6
          image_version: 2.17.0
          enable_http: true
          enable_https: false
          enable_edge_computing: false
          admin_password: '{{ vars["vault"]["portainer_admin_pwd"] }}'
      when: docker_registry is undefined

    - name: Set portainer api port based on configured options
        portainer: >-
            portainer | combine({
              'api_port': (portainer.enable_https) | ternary('9443', '9000')

    - name: Set stack settings
          dispatcher_port: # FILL IN (e.g 5022)
          registry: '{{ docker_registry["url"] }}'
          name:  # FILL IN (e.g "osp-stack-1") Max 20 characters
          config_name: # FILL IN (e.g "osp-config-1")
          onsphere_version: # FILL IN (e.g "1.2.3")
          admin_user: '{{ vars["vault"]["admin_user"] }}'
          admin_password: '{{ vars["vault"]["admin_pwd"] }}'
          keycloak_db_password: '{{ vars["vault"]["keycloack_db_pwd"] }}'
      when: stack_settings is undefined

    - name: Get host OS family
          - '!all'
          - '!min'
          - os_family

    - include_role:
        name: roles/onsphere/install

    - include_role:
        name: roles/onsphere/deploy_configuration
      when: config_to_deploy_path != ""

Where all variables starting with YOUR_ should be replaced/populated, ideally storing those ending with _stored_in_vault in an Ansible vault


Contact Swissdotnet at for YOUR_docker_registry_username and YOUR_docker_registry_pwd_stored_in_vault if you don’t already have credential for OnSphere Nexus access.

If you already have an OnSphere configuration which you want to attach on the newly deployed OnSphere stack, you can simply reference its path in config_to_deploy_path variable.