

Docker and Portainer are mandatory to install OnSphere. See prerequisites to install them.

Configure OnSphere

  1. Add on the registry


    The username and password will be provided to you by Swissdotnet.

  1. Retrieve the endpoint id

The ID is configured into portainer and can be retrieved in the current endpoint URL.

  1. Create the stack configuration

Each OnSphere stack (a stack is a set of services in a Swarm) has its own json configuration file.




The username to connect to portainer


The password to connect to portainer


The address to connect to portainer


The ID of the swarm see how to get the endpoint ID


OnSphere officially supports only one instance by SWARM cluster. However, the system is thought-out to allow multiple ones in future releases which is why this stack id exists.


The stack-id must be 20 or less characters long.

Example of a valid configuration file.

    "portainerUser": "admin",
    "portainerPassword": "swissdotnet",
    "portainerAddress": "http://portainer_portainer:9000",
    "endpointId": 1,
    "stackName": "osp-stack-1"

The configuration file can be added to docker via portainer


or via the command line

$ echo '{
    "portainerUser": "admin",
    "portainerPassword": "swissdotnet",
    "portainerAddress": "http://portainer_portainer:9000",
    "endpointId": 1,
    "stackName": "osp-stack-1"
}' | docker config create osp-config-1 -
  1. Create the secrets

These secrets will be used to create default user account and password.

Secret name



User for the admin account of Keycloak, InfluxDb


The password for Keycloak, InfluxDb, root account of mysql, osp account of the configuration dispatcher


The password of the account keycloak of mysql

Create a secret with a password (It can also be created directly from portainer):

$ printf "admin" | docker secret create osp-stack-1_admin-user -
$ printf "password" | docker secret create osp-stack-1_admin-pwd -
$ printf "password" | docker secret create osp-stack-1_database_password -

Deploy OnSphere


In a docker swarm the localhost/loopback is not connected to localhost. This means usage of localhost:9000 does not work. This is solved by using the system real IP.

  1. Download OnSphere’s default compose file

  2. Adapt the compose file

Set the right version

        IMAGE_VERSION: <version>
        IMAGE_REPO: ""

Replace the osp-stack-1 reference with the name of your stack if needed.

  1. Deploy the stack file


The stack’s deployment MUST be done with Portainer. Otherwise, the stack won’t be supervised by Portainer.

On the Stacks tab click Add stack. Set the same name as the one defined in the stack’s configuration and copy-paste the default stack configuration content before clicking Deploy the stack.


The stack name must be the same as the one from the configuration file (stackName).

  1. Wait for the stack to start

When all services containing the stack name are running the stack is fully up.

$ docker service ls | grep osp-stack-1
  1. Clone the configuration

Clone the configuration with the user osp and the password defined on admin-pwd.

$ git clone ssh://osp@<your-stack-ip>:5022/git/onsphere.git
$ cd onsphere
$ git checkout edit

Then you can add the default configuration

$ git merge origin/osp-default-configuration
$ git push


This step can be skipped IF AND ONLY IF you already have an existing working configuration which will be hooked on your freshly deployed stack.



The composer is an extension for VSCode aiming at simplifying the creation and edition of OnSphere configuration.


The osp-composer.vsix is not available on the extensions store yet and needs to be sent on demand. Please ask your OnSphere provider to receive the installer.


  1. Get the latest Vscode

  2. Launch vscode

  3. In file/preferences/extensions

  4. Click on the three dots

  5. Add from .vsix

  6. Reload