Remote connectors

OnSphere introduces a notable capability where specific modules can be declared outside the swarm environment. This flexibility opens up the opportunity to collect information from external sources and seamlessly integrate it into OnSphere without the necessity of being within a trusted network. By enabling modules to operate outside the swarm, OnSphere offers a secure yet versatile approach to data acquisition, ensuring that valuable information from diverse, untrusted sources can be efficiently gathered and integrated into the system, bolstering its capabilities and adaptability.

A remote-connector is a module deployed outside of the swarm. It doesn’t benefits from all the free features of swarm like :

  • Secret sharing

  • Channel encryption

  • DNS hostname resolution

  • High availability

But it can be deployed in any environnement with an Internet connection.


Only some module can be used outside of the stack see the Module capabilities for details


It’s recommended to have a DNS hostname for all your swarm node, to keep the high-redundancy system and support a node failure.

See examples


Connectors are establishing communication with the stack. They need connectivity into two kind of modules, one to get his own configuration and the other to join RabbitMq.

The following diagram show network flow during initialization sequence:

Remote -> Stack : Configuration request
Swarm -> Remote : Send the current configuration
Remote -> Remote : Apply its configuration
Remote -> Stack : Join RabbitMQ cluster

In the previous flow diagram, the Remote is a connector located in any host host independently of the others modules. Stack represent the core of OnSphere that are installed inside the main Swarm cluster.


Destination port



10000 (TCP)

Retrieve the configuration for the remote connector.


5671 (TCP)

Join RabbitMQ cluster to communicate with other modules. This establish a persistent TCP session to share values and other requests between modules.

At first, remote connector establish a communication to fetch his own configuration. Then it configure himself with the new configuration.

Then, the remote connector establish a session with rabbitMq module to share values and request with other modules.

Authentication and encryption

For the authentication and encryption of the communication, the remote connector requires the following certificates :

  • ca.crt

  • remote-connector.crt : It need to be renamed to module.crt when mounted inside the docker.

  • remote-connector.key : It need to be renamed to module.key when mounted inside the docker.

Certificates must be deployed manually on the host of the external-connectors and shared with the docker.


The auto-generated certificates are stored inside the GIT configuration including the key which must be kept private at every cost. It’s done to simplify the deployment of remote connections.

Communication with configuration dispatcher (on port 10000) use TLS 1.3 and communication with rabbitmq module use TLS 1.2.

Connector Installation

Hosts requirement

Connectors are deployed as docker, so you can launch them from any host with a compatible docker version. See the system requirements for the list of supported OS and docker version.

Other OS like Windows and Mac are not officially supported but can probably work as well.

Connector creation

To create a remote connector create an empty file named module.remote instead of the standard module.service file.

  • name : A name for the connector

  • image-name : The name of the remote-connector (ex. osp-snmp-trap)

  • image-tag : The version of the remote-connector (ex. )

  • DISPATCHER_HOST : The address (either IP or hostname) to join your OnSphere Stack

  • DISPATCHER_PORT : The port available for your OnSphere Stack

  • PROMETHEUS_PORT : The port to expose prometheus metrics (default 9100)

  • host-secret : Where the secret are stored on your host-system

Start the connector as a service


This is the recommended way as with this method the secret are securely stored.


The server running a service must be a swarm.

  1. Create the secret for the certificate

$ docker secret create my-stack_ca.crt /path/to/ca.crt
$ docker secret create my-stack_remote-connector.crt /path/to/remote-connector.crt
$ docker secret create my-stack_remote-connector.key /path/to/remote-connector.key
  1. Create the service

$ docker service create --name=[choice-any-name] --env DISPATCHER_HOST="your-dns-name-or-ip" --env DISPATCHER_PORT="10000" --secret source=my-stack_ca.crt,target=ca.crt --secret source=my-stack_remote-connector.crt,target=module.crt --secret source=my-stack_remote-connector.key,target=module.key [image-name]:[tag]

Start the connector as a docker

  1. Create a folder containing the certificate

$ mkdir [host-secret]
$ cp /path/to/ca.crt [host-secret]/ca.crt
$ cp /path/to/remote-connector.crt [host-secret]/module.crt
$ cp /path/to/remote-connector.key [host-secret]/module.key
  1. Launch the container

$ docker container run --detach --name=[choice-any-name] --restart=always --env DISPATCHER_HOST="your-dns-name-or-ip" --env DISPATCHER_PORT="10000" -v [host-secret]:/run/secrets [image-name]:[tag]