Version 1.0.X - Zen-monkey

Version 1.0.7

Release date : August 2023


  • Fix : Invalid state when RabbitMQ was rebooting - #1082


  • Fix: Slave state value can use smooth - #1065


  • Fix: Maps now display properly values for the STANDARD points.


  • Fix: Alarm edit was not checking correctly hideUntil and using now instead of set value.

  • Fix: Alarm were not display properly when the hideUntil expired (#1084).


  • New: Menu outputs can now be executed sequentially or concurrently (#1078).

  • Fix: Gauge was not working with certain min and max values (#1079).

  • Fix: MomentJS locales were not loaded properly (#1069).

  • Fix: Display label when value ID is in error rather than displaying whole osp-text (#1076).

  • Fix: Avoid triggering the breakpoint below when editing widgets positions (#1076).

Documentation * Enh: Add example for PTZ.

Configuration * Fix: Aggregator validate dashboard declare in layer.ospp exist (#1059).

Version 1.0.6

Release date : july 2023

Composer * Fix: Path completion doesn’t delete the rest of the line (#1047). * Fix: OnSphere Path are now clickable inside scripts (#1036).

Alarms * Fix: AdditionalData management on the pre-insertion rule was breaking some list (_rawData) (#1049).

Maps * Fix: Bug when loading multiple layers on Maps. * Fix: Layer checkbox actuation.

Documentation * Enh: Clarify usage for minWidth and maxWidth on the web.view. * Enh: Add signature of lua method for pre-insert.alarms and action.alarms (#1055).

Scripts * Doc: *.mjs use the ECMAScript 6 specification (#1057).

Front-end * Fix: Edit widgets view uses configuration breakpoints (#1062).

Version 1.0.5

Release date : july 2023

New features

Bug fix

Security Update

Library bump

Configuration * Fix: dashboard.view layerIds and menuReferences are now properly validated (#1045).

Alarms * Fix: Deduplication recover properly when an error occurs (#1044).

Modbus * Fix: Assertion to validate the request split was considering the max value as false (#1041).

Front-end * Fix: Alarm table toolbar menu are filtered correctly based on configuration.

Maps * Fix: Points glitch when using clustering. Now clustering can be passed as a layer.ospp parameter (#1023)

Version 1.0.4

Release date : june 2023

New features

Bug fix

Security Update

Library bump

Configuration * Fix: Generated compose file was containing multiple times the same key (#1031).

Dispatcher * Fix: Error reported by Portainer are now properly displayed on the logs.

Modbus * Fix: Concurrent connection greater than one was leaking memory when slave was not accessible (#1032). * Fix: SlaveAddress (Unit Identifier) was not set properly on request (#1033).

Alarms * Fix: Cache processing aggregate result to avoid redoing it during the same batch (#1038).

Version 1.0.3

Release date : june 2023


  • New: Add date, date-time and time form widget with time stamping (#1003).

  • Fix: Delay first form loading event to avoid submit widget not displayed (#1003).


  • Migration: Already migrated alarms are moved instead of generating an error.

  • Fix: A tag could be added several times.

  • Fix: Duplicated name on the indexes are not allowed anymore (#1019).


  • Fix: Helper function helper_get_v1_enterprise_field_from_v2_trap was not accessing a list properly (#1009).


  • Fix: trigger.type was not providing a valid type (“TEXT”, “INTEGER”, “DECIMAL” or “BOOLEAN”) (#1010).


  • Enh: The update procedure show the method to minimize the down time (#977).


  • Fix: State are persisted on a volume to avoid losing it (#1018). A volume mapped on /osp/data is needed.


  • Fix: the composer now correctly parse module and root path that contain the character ‘z’.

  • Fix: OnSphere path that end with an asterisk does not break every document links in the document.

Version 1.0.2

Release date : may 2023


  • Perf: Change the deduplication and change computation to improve speed and reactivity (#961). See Migration for the instruction.

Version 1.0.1

Release date : april 2023


  • Sec: Update influxdb to 2.7.0.

  • Sec: Update version of snakeyaml dues to GHSA-mjmj-j48q-9wg2.


  • New: Code evaluation in browser is sandboxed to avoid malicious code injection (#1000).

  • New: Min and max limits for columns width in AlarmTable (#989).

  • New: Layers now have a fixed order as : polygon > lines > points (#985).

  • New: Schematic Paper background can be disabled with disablePaperBackground widget property (#990).

  • New: Allow user attribute defaultViewport to load dashboard in fullscreen (#994).

  • Fix: Alarm table summary truncated when column too small (#954).

  • Fix: Journal widget used with AlarmHistoryTable might fails when no journal are available (#992).

  • Code: Build system migration to ViteJS (#1000).


  • New: Allow view field access to sub-levels objects (#982).


  • Fix: issue with how dashboard properties where set (#985).


  • New: Document Journal widget.


  • New: Add defaultViewport attribute to user (#994).

Version 1.0.0

Release date : march 2023


  • Sec: Update version of snakeyaml dues to CVE-2022-25857.

  • Sec: Update version of jackson dues to CVE-2022-42003 and CVE-2022-42004.

  • Sec: Update base ubuntu image to the latest 20.04.

  • Sec: Update influxdb to 2.6.


  • Enh: Advanced configuration for keycloak is available on branch osp-keycloak-advanced-configuration.


  • Update version of GraalVM from to 22.3.0


  • New: Webview context now allows to load an url dynamically (#975).

  • New: Add new widget ReportsList, PdfViewer and ReportsViewer to list and visualize reports (#933).

  • New: Add new widget Form which allow user input bound to values or dynamic content (#831).

  • New: Add new widget Select, to select one or many values from a list (#802).

  • New: Add new widgets Refresh, Limit and Range to send filters (#802).

  • New: Add new widget Chart to display queries result (#802).

  • New: Add new widget Toolbar to send filters to other widgets (#802).

  • New: Set tab title with dashboard and stack name (#928).

  • New: Set alarm toolbar actions dynamic with menu actions (#832).

  • New: Add new layout as Box Layout (horizontal or vertical layout) (#813).

  • New: ValueSubscription widget supports LOCAL_STORAGE to save subscriptions locally.

  • New: Add Alarm table render (URL and ICON) to allow user to click on link to open new window (#972).

  • Enh: Improve front-end density (toolbars, button size, …)

  • Code: Remove font awesome dependency.


  • New: Module Opc Ua is now available! It is used as a Client Opc Ua. It allows to read, write and call methods on a Opc Ua server. Annonymous, user password and certificate authentication is supported (#641).

  • New: Module Maps is now available! It is used to aggregate geo.ospp with their corresponding values. A new file is available in the configuration, geo.maps. It will be used to notify if a value as a geographical component. This geographical component will be represented as GeoJson (#652). osp-maps.

  • New: Module Reports is now available! It allows to generate reports using actions based on templates defined in the configuration (#933).


  • New: add Field to define fields for queries and output (#802).

  • New: add Measure to define measures for queries and output (#802).

  • New: add analytics queries to fetch data from analytics database (#802).


  • New: Dashboard examples

  • New: Opc Ua examples (read, write and method usage).

  • Enh: Add constraint on the literals variables of the expression language (#950).

  • New: Add the debug documentation for the video’s flux.


  • Fix: Better error message (#914).

  • Fix: Sub directories changes on resources are correctly triggering a module restart (#756).


  • Fix: Default function were not return the right type.

  • Fix: Missing comment on description line.

  • Enh: Change log level used when trap parsing fail from warn to debug to avoid spam.

  • Enh: Broaden caught Lua error scope to improve user experience (#742). See the osp-snmp-trap for the type detail.


The script lua need to be verified and updated because the getter and setter are type checking more thoroughly. This means that some implicit cast must now be done manually. For example: <code>alarm.summary = summary</code> might fail if the summary is not a string.<code>alarm.additionalData[key] = value</code> might fail if the key is not a string. <code>alarm.severity = 400.0</code> will fail because 400.0 cannot be cast automatically to a unsigned int anymore. Adding <code>math.floor(400.0) solve the problem</code>.

  • Enh: Exception message is available on the alarm generation error on the additionalData with the key _exception (#742).


  • Fix: Some connection with MongoDB were not closed properly (#946).