Connect an OPC UA client to read, write and use methods from a server.



External Ressource

  • An OPC UA Server

Checkout branches

git checkout origin/osp-alarms-web-configuration .
git checkout origin/osp-opc-ua-configuration .
git checkout origin/osp-variables-configuration .

In general be sure to have a correctly configured OPC UA server that will accept your connection using the certificates correctly. Also don’t forget to add the certificates inside the certs/external directory.


  • How to read a value on your OPC UA Server

  • How to write a value on your OPC UA Server

  • How to use a method on your OPC UA Server


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an OPC UA client and use it with your OPC UA server. You will only need an OPC UA server to connect to.

Configuration structure

skinparam backgroundColor transparent
package "root/opc-ua" as opcua {
package "device" {
    [device.opc-ua] as deviceopc
    [value.ospp] as valueDevice

package "boolean-value" {
    [owner.opc-ua] as booleanValue
    [value.ospp] as booleanValueValue
package "int-value" {
    [owner.opc-ua] as intValue
    [value.ospp] as intValueValue
package "string-value" {
    [owner.opc-ua] as stringValue
    [value.ospp] as stringValueValue

package "write-output" {
    [output.opcua] as writeoutput

package "method-output" {
    [output.opcua] as methodoutput

package "root/dashboard" as db {
    [dashboard.view] as dashboardview
    [dashboard.web] as dashboardweb

package "callback-1" as callbackOne {
    [callback.ospp] as callback1
    [owner.variables] as variable1
    [value.ospp] as variable1Value
package "callback-2" as callbackTwo {
    [callback.ospp] as callback2
    [owner.variables] as variable2
    [value.ospp] as variable2Value

        node ospvar as "osp-variables"
        node ospweb as "osp-web"
        node ospopcua as "osp-opc-ua"

ospweb -[#black]-> db : **Own**
ospopcua -[#black]r-> opcua : **Own**
ospvar -[#black]-> callbackOne : **Own**
ospvar -[#black]-> callbackTwo : **Own**
dashboardview -[#black]-> valueDevice :  Subscribe on device status
dashboardview -[#black]-> booleanValueValue :  Subscribe on Node value
dashboardview -[#black]-> intValueValue :  Subscribe on Node value
dashboardview -[#black]-> stringValueValue :  Subscribe on Node value

callback1 -[#black]-> methodoutput :  Trigger when needed
callback2 -[#black]-> writeoutput :  Trigger when needed



The complete example can be checkout using

git checkout origin/example-opc-ua-read-write-methods-using-various-parameters .


If you decided to checkout the origin/example-opc-ua-read-write-methods-using-various-parameters branch, do not forget to replace the IP used in configuration files with your own stack’s IP.


The setup of the certificates can take some time and be tiresome but is mandatory for any OPC UA production server. Your server certificate have to be placed in the certs/external directory. Of course the server has to accept the certificates of our module and OnSphere.

1. Create the dashboard to visualize the values

Create a dashboard with a widget where you can subscribe to values.


  "configuration": [
      "type": "ValueSubscription",
      "id": "vdwEzlGo",
      "title": "test",
      "valueSubscriptions": {
        "values": [
            "id": "root.opc-ua.device",
            "type": "BOOLEAN",
            "right": "READ"
            "id": "root.opc-ua.boolean-value",
            "type": "BOOLEAN",
            "right": "READ"
      "valueSubscriptions": {
        "values": [{"id": "root.opc-ua.callback-1","right": "READ_WRITE"}]
      "basicWidgetSettings": {
        "showLabel": true,
        "showTooltip": true,
        "showIcon": true,
        "showValue": true
      "id": "YNu7-D8O",
      "type": "BasicInputOutputValue",
      "title": "testes"
  "layout": {
    "lg": [
        "w": 5,
        "h": 7,
        "x": 1,
        "y": 0,
        "i": "vdwEzlGo"
        "w": 4,
        "h": 2,
        "x": 7,
        "y": 0,
        "i": "YNu7-D8O"
  "breakpoints": {
    "lg": 1200,
    "md": 996,
    "sm": 768,
    "xs": 480,
    "xxs": 0
  "cols": {
    "lg": 12,
    "md": 10,
    "sm": 6,
    "xs": 4,
    "xxs": 2


    "moduleId": "modules.web.web-1",
    "title": "Home",
    "description": "OnSphere home",
    "tags": []

2. Create different OPC-UA elements

The device :



If you decided to checkout the origin/example-opc-ua-read-write-methods-using-various-parameters branch, do not forget to configure the information relatives to your server (the IP, port, folder and Nodes). If you want to use this as such you can refer to the following github project and use the server example

    "moduleId": "modules.opc-ua.opc-ua-1",
    "ipAddress": "todoreplace",
    "port": 50000,
    "authenticationMethod": {
        "type": "UsernamePassword",
        "passwordProvider": {
            "password": "demo",
            "type": "PLAINTEXT"
        "username": "sysadmin"


    "name": "Device status",
    "description": "",
    "type": "BOOLEAN"

The two outputs, the first one using a method and the second one using a standard write :


    "linkedDevice": "root.opc-ua.device",
    "methodObjectNodeId": {
        "s": "Methods",
        "ns": 3
    "methodNodeId": {
        "s": "ResetStepUp",
        "nsu": ""
    "type": "Method"


    "type": "Write",
    "linkedDevice": "root.opc-ua.device",
    "nodeId": {
        "s": "SlowUInt1",
        "ns": 3

Different values, representing a Node of different type that we will read every seconds :


    "type": "DirectRead",
    "linkedDevice": "root.opc-ua.device",
    "nodeId": {
        "nsu": "",
        "s": "SlowUInt1"
    "pollingFrequency": {
        "value": 1,
        "unit": "SECONDS"


    "name": "Test value DirectRead",
    "description": "",
    "type": "INTEGER"

Creation of a OPC UA subscription on a boolean value that we read :


    "type": "Subscription",
    "linkedDevice": "root.opc-ua.device",
    "nodeId": "nsu=;s=AlternatingBoolean",    
    "samplingInterval": {
        "value": 1,
        "unit": "SECONDS"


    "name": "Test value DirectRead",
    "description": "",
    "type": "BOOLEAN"

3. Write variables that can handle outputs

Here is an example of a callback using a variable to call an output (the corresponding output is defined below) :


    "linkedOutputs": [
            "outputId": "root.opc-ua.method-output"


    "moduleId": "modules.variables.variables-1"


    "name": "Test val",
    "description": "",
    "type": "BOOLEAN"

4. Result of the example

Connect to the frontend and go to the dashboard corresponding to the above configuration. There you can use the search field to subscribe to a value.



Be aware that you have to correctly configure the certificates (if in use) to be able to connect and subscribe to the values.