Create alarms with lookup
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git checkout origin/osp-snmp-trap .
The complete example can be checkout out with git checkout origin/example-snmp-trap-lookup .
In this tutorial you will learn how :
* to create an alarm from lookup files (csv with ;
as separator).
1. Create the parsing rules
All traps will be analyzed in one Lua file : main.rules. From this file you can then do the trap-to-alarm conversion according to your needs.
It is not mandatory but highly recommended to divide the Lua logic into several files. This is what we will do in this example.
Create the root/rules/main.rules
function main (trap, alarm)
log("WARN", "A new TRAP is received")
fill_alarm_from_trap(trap, alarm)
Create one function in another file (root/rules/functions/create-alarm.rules
) to fill the alarms.
function fill_alarm_from_trap(trap, alarm)
-- Simple lookup return nil if not found
alarm.summary = lookup("example", "summary")
-- Lookup with default value return with both case append.
alarm.severity = lookup("example", "severity", {"root.alarms.severities.exist"}) .. "-" .. lookup("file-1", "severity-not-exit", {"root.alarms.severities.not-exist"})
-- Lookup with index of csv.
alarm.source = lookup("example", "source", 1)
-- Lookup with index of csv and default value.
alarm.serial = lookup("example", "serial", 1, "default") .. "-" .. lookup("file-1", "serial-not-exist", 1, "default")
2. Link the rules and lookups to the SNMP trap module
SNMP trap rules as well as any lookup file they might use need to be registered as module resources in modules/snmp-trap/snmp-trap-1/module.resources
"resources": [
"source": "root/rules/",
"destination": "rules/"
"source": "default-functions/snmp-trap/",
"destination": "rules/default-fonctions/"
"source": "lookups/",
"destination": "lookups/"
3. Test from any linux device
By default SNMP-TRAP uses port 162, but it is possible that this port is already used by another service. In this case, you can change the port published in the module.service
1. Show logs from a console
docker service logs --raw -f osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1
5. Send one test TRAP (here using net-snmp from a linux host, but any other trap sender tool could have been used)
snmptrap -v 2c -c public[STACK-IP] '' i 123456
6. Logs must show something like
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [warning] A new TRAP is received
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] New trap
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] SnmpMsg oid :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] SnmpMsg type : TRAP
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] SnmpMsg occurrence : 1653924446822307821
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Community name : public
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Snmp version : 1
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Source :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Destination :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Specific-trap : 1
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] SnmpMsg variables bindings :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] - : 200.0
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] -----------------------------------------------------
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Registering [1] user lookups inside...
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [warning] Requested to get element [1] of [serial] from [example] but index is out of range.
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [warning] Requested to get element [1] of [serial-not-exist] from [file-1] but index is out of range.
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Alarm
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] UID : c7b42233-cfc0-4d47-af4e-51467c9491b6
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Occurrence : 1653924446822307821
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Summary : my-summary-1
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Location :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Severity : my-severity-1-root.alarms.severities.not-exist
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Source : my-source-2
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Serial : default-default
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Tags :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] Additional info :
osp-stack-1_modules_snmp-trap_snmp-trap-1.1.uaacm3r0knp0@manticore | [2022-05-30 15:27:26.822] [info] -----------------------------------------------------