Simple template variable usage



Checkout branches

git checkout origin/osp-web-configuration .
git checkout origin/osp-waveforms-configuration .

Example configuration

git checkout origin/example-variables-usage .


In this tutorial, the usage of template variables is described. The focus is done to to understand the prevalence of usage and all the types of variables available.



1. Create a waveform value constant


    "moduleId": "modules.waveforms.waveforms-1",
    "waveformConfigurationEntity" : {
        "value": 10,
        "type": "CONSTANT"
    "samplePeriod": {
        "unit": "DAYS",
        "value": 1


    "name" : "Final value",
    "description": "${description} - ${from-template-of-template}",
    "type": "INTEGER",
    "preTransform": "${pre-transform-var}",
    "templateId": "root.template",
    "templateVariables" : {
        "description" : "Description variable",
        "pre-transform-var" : {
            "transform": "add(value,1)"
  • The pre-transform value come from the value.ospp file (to show the same file templateVariable definition).

  • The description use two variables ${description} who is defined inside the same file

  • The from-template-of-template variable who is undefined (will be done in next step)

  • A reference is done to root.template via the templateId key

2. Create a first level of template


    "templateId" : "root.template-of-template",
    "templateVariables" : {
        "from-template-of-template": "This description is overriden"
  • This value describe a variable who is not used (description), because the variable is defined in the

  • A sub-template is defined by the templateVariables key

3. Create a second level of template


    "templateVariables" : {
        "description": "from-template of template value"
  • This file declare the variable from-template-of-template. Used by the

4. Add dashboard to visualize the result

This files are used to visualize the example

    "configuration": [
        "type": "ValueSubscription",
        "id": "xMkAMwzR",
        "title": "",
        "valueSubscriptions": {
          "values": [
              "id": "",
              "right": "READ_WRITE"
    "layout": {
      "lg": [
          "w": 12,
          "h": 5,
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0,
          "i": "xMkAMwzR"
    "breakpoints": {
      "lg": 1200,
      "md": 996,
      "sm": 768,
      "xs": 480,
      "xxs": 0
    "cols": {
      "lg": 12,
      "md": 10,
      "sm": 6,
      "xs": 4,
      "xxs": 2
    "rowHeight": 150
    "moduleId": "modules.web.web-1",
    "title": "Home",
    "description": "OnSphere home",
    "tags": []

5. Check result

See the result on the dashbaord (hostname:5000), log with default user (user) and password (onsphere)


This schema show from where each value come from and the rules.

  1. In red, we have a value declared inside a template, but override locally

  2. In green, we have the value who override the red value

  3. In purple, we have a variable declared in template of template

  4. In Orange, we have a node insertion (locally defined)

skinparam backgroundColor transparent

[*] --> v
state "" as v :\
{ \n\
    "name" : "Final value",\n\
    "description": <color:green>"${description}</color> - <color:purple>${from-template-of-template}</color>",\n\
    "type": "INTEGER",\n\
    <color:orange>"preTransform": "${pre-transform-var}"</color>,\n\
    "templateId": "root.template",\n\
    "templateVariables" : {\n\
        <color:green>"description" : "Description variable"</color>,\n\
        <color:orange>"pre-transform-var" : {</color>\n\
        <color:orange>"transform": "add(value,1)"</color>\n\

v -> t : First level of template
state "root.template/value.ospp.template" as t  : \
{ \n\
    "templateId" : "root.template-of-template",\n\
    "templateVariables" : {\n\
        <color:red>"description": "This description is overriden"</color>\n\

t -> t2 : Second level of template
state "root.template-of-template/value.ospp.template" as t2  : \
{ \n\
    "templateVariables" : {\n\
        <color:purple>"from-template-of-template": "from-template of template value"</color>\n\

v --> result : Result

result : { \
    "name" : "Final value",\n\
    "description": "<color:green>"Description variable"</color> - <color:purple>from-template of template value</color>",\n\
    "type": "INTEGER",\n\
    <color:orange>"preTransform": {</color>\n\
    <color:orange>    "transform": "add(value,1)"</color>\n\
