

This functionality may undergo modifications in future updates and it is recommended to use an alternative feature if one is available. Alternatively, please carefully review the changelog when performing updates for comprehensive information.





HTTP support

Supported feature

HTTPS support

Supported feature

Register on values changes

Supported feature

See register to values

Un-register on values changes

Supported feature

See register

Update values

Supported feature

See updating value



It is possible to access values directly with the same concept as the web-client does.


This functionality may undergo modifications in future updates, and it is recommended to use an alternative feature if one is available. Alternatively, please carefully review the changelog when performing updates for comprehensive information.

Performance consideration

Using this feature extensively for the osp-web may result in elevated resources consumption, particularly when subscribing to a wide array of values that undergo frequent changes. Exercise caution regarding the volume of values and events you subscribe to in order to effectively manage resources cost.

Register a WebSocket

To access WebSocket endpoints, an HTTP(s) request on http://[HOSTNAME]:5000/osp/web/api/websocket with authentication header is required. The result is an identifier that can be passed to WebSocket endpoints with ?id= parameter.

Register/unregister to values


Registering to values enabled the fact that the websocket will be notified each time a value is changed.



Subscribe to receive updates on changes to the specified Values. Upon registration for a particular value, the most recently published value is transmitted to the websocket.


The request can be made multiple times but trying to register multiple times on the same Value will have no effect.

  "requestId": "d3e5e69f-ea95-48c9-acd7-fe2c332626c9",
  "requestName": "register-values",
  "values": [


Un-register for listening on changes of specified Values. The request can be made multiple times.

Trying to un-register on a non-registered Value will have no effect.

  "requestId": "d3e5e69f-ea95-48c9-acd7-fe2c332626c9",
  "requestName": "unregister-values",
  "values": [


  • Create a dedicated front-end with some values

  • Forward values to another application which doesn’t support standard protocols

Update a values


Updating a value send a request to the module owning the value and it will update it if it support the operation.


Be aware that :

  • Trying to update a Value owned by a module that does not support this operation or that does not exist will have no effect.

  • There is no lock on changing value. This means there can be concurrent modifications and only the last one received will take effect

  "requestId": "d3e5e69f-ea95-48c9-acd7-fe2c332626c9",
  "requestName": "update-value",
  "value": "root.office.light",
  "content": 255
  "requestId": "d3e5e69f-ea95-48c9-acd7-fe2c332626c9",
  "requestName": "update-value",
  "value": "root.office.light",
  "content": "on"
  "requestId": "d3e5e69f-ea95-48c9-acd7-fe2c332626c9",
  "requestName": "update-value",
  "value": "root.office.light",
  "content": true


The type of the content field depends on the value type.


  • Call a script from an external service

  • Update counter from an external service