Version 0.3.X - Ultimate-horse

Version 0.3.7

Release date : August 2021

  • Fix: SSL certificate were missing the SAN for Chrome. (#568)

  • Fix: Behavior with loaded lookup file was not consistent. (#570)

  • Fix: Graphic are properly generated on help. (#572)

  • Fix: Acknowledge was not propagate properly during alarms escalation. (#567)

Version 0.3.6

Release date : August 2021

  • Fix: Alarms value were not properly generated at startup. (#565)

Version 0.3.5

Release date : August 2021

  • Fix: Snmp doesn’t fail on unknown hostname and resolve it later. (#559)

Version 0.3.4

Release date : June 2021

  • Fix: Handle large HTTP header with nginx proxying

  • Fix: Version update is properly handled

Version 0.3.3

Release date : June 2021

  • Fix: Default configuration branches are created if there are missing.

  • Fix: AlarmTable/AlarmHistoryTable debounce avoid re-render when multiple value change.

Version 0.3.2

  • Fix: All dashboard are validated properly.

Version 0.3.1

Release date : June 2021

  • Fix: The module Modbus communicates correctly with the stack.


  • Fix: The alarms history with a value of zero (count) was returning a null instead of 0. This is mongodb bug, a workaround was deploy on this release.

  • Fix: The dispatcher is now declared in the last position of service, to avoid some case where the stack is not fully deployed because the dispatcher restart.

  • Fix: The reflog use –no-pager mode to avoid to timeout when there is more than one page of history

  • Fix: Ip addresses in alarms were not displayed correctly

  • Fix: The modification of a resource trigger a reload of the module properly

  • Fix: The modification of a script for Script or Alarm trigger a reload of the module properly

  • Fix: Scripts callbacks were triggered twice from scripts values using FIRE_AND_FORGET retention

Version 0.3.0

Release date : September 2021


  • New : Added modules monitoring (module are now publishing state)

  • New : Add Keycloak as authentication provider

  • New : Add nginx proxy which serves static file as well as proxy osp-web and keycloak modules

  • New : Add username/password authentication for configuration fetch

  • New : Remote connector are now able to automatically fetch their configuration when changed

  • New : Adding the date to the logs

  • New : Add retention option to values to define more precisely if the value is permanent or an event

  • Fix : the connection with RabbitMQ can either storm or be dysfunctional in case of network error

  • Fix : SSH connection with login/password no longer result in expired account

  • Change : RabbitMQ aggregator is now java and the module manage correctly his used file for change configuration detection.

  • Change : default log level from DEBUG to INFO


  • New : Add stack information configuration

  • New : Add bufferSize on messagingConfiguration

  • New : Add storeMessagesOnDisk flag on messagingConfiguration

  • Improvement : Large configuration are now loaded in constants time and way more faster

  • Improvement : Configuration change has a async task to update the swarm to avoid partial configuration acceptance

  • Fix : The configuration now support error with Portainer and other services and restarting, before that the change were lost until a new configuration change was made.

  • Fix : Changing the configuration of the stack.cfg file impact only the concerned modules

  • Fix : (issue 466) The configuration dispatcher cannot be stuck if an error occurs during critical step of updating.

Internal changes

  • Improvement : the way the configuration dispatcher controls modules (i.e. restart, fetch configuration, …)

  • Improvement: Messages are buffered if the rabbit connection is down. By default 60000 msg will be stored. This can be modified with bufferSize on messagingConfiguration. With the flag storeMessagesOnDisk, the message buffer is stored on the disk at /osp/messages. It can be map to a volume to allow the reload the message to sent on reboot.

  • Change : Uniformized modules setup and initialization

  • Change : Migrate conan from 1.27.1 to 1.33.1

  • Change : Migrate docker image for java build from oracle image to custom build (oracle image was deleted)

  • Change : jgit was deleted and replaced by direct git command (more efficient for large repository)

  • Change : Migrate all the aggregator to java



  • New: Add alarms callbacks


  • New : Added Bacnet module


  • New : Adding auto-complexion feature from json-schema

  • New : Add language type for rules, scripts, and other dedicated files


  • New : Add HTTPS support through osp-front-end environment variable and secrets

  • Change: Rename module osp-node-server to osp-front-end

  • Add alarm history widget

  • Add alarm journal to live/history widgets

  • Improve widget configuration defaults


  • Change: The configuration key was uniformized from names_with_underscore to CamelCase

  • Improvement: The callback file support an array of reference now


  • Change: Replaced triggerOnInitialization in callbacks by triggerModes


  • Fix : The connection with Kurento server now can be used with full value capabilities (delay, pulse)

  • Fix : The documentation of the stream video options “useEncodedMedia” was corrected.