Version 0.4.X - Venerable-impala

Version 0.4.1

Release date : November 2021


  • Fix: Alarms pre-insert script must contain at least one operation create (#649)


  • Fix: Headers values were not correctly extracted from HTTP responses


  • New: Add ip-rct clusters (#658)

  • Fix: Ip-rct servers not reconnecting when connection is closed (#659)

  • Enh: Uniformize spt state possible values between actions and callbacks

Version 0.4.0

Release date : October 2021


  • New: Module’s log level is now configurable

  • New: Add smooth operation on values

  • New: Keycloak is now fully configured from the configuration

  • New: Setting up configuration migration scripts in composer (#548)

  • New: Add detached scripts (i.e. scripts that are not bound to a value) (#549)

  • New: Analytics is available (#555)

  • New: The composer now auto-reload when the json schema are changed (#561)

  • New: Add IP-RCT module (#518)

  • New: Add Https support for script (#564)

  • New: Alarms script can now retrieved the severity with the ID (#512)

  • New: Alarms can be modified via an Action or a Script (#604)

  • New: A new module is available : osp-network-monitoring with high-performance ICMP/ICMPv6 capabilities (#250)

  • New: An alarm can be inserted (processed by the pre-insertion rules) or created (not processed by the pre-insertion rules) (#609)

  • Change: Unify the callback definition between all module (#571)

  • Fix: All pulses can now be re-triggered with same value after an auto reset

  • Fix: (issue 577) Pushing a invalid configuration and correct them in some order can lead to incorrect orphan check error.

  • Fix: (issue 545) Malformed ID, lead to orphan file who is not checked by anyone

  • Fix: Thread and memory leak in messaging (particularly affecting osp-alarms)

  • Fix: Adding the configuration of a module before the module was generating a invalid configuration (#627)

  • Fix: Using alarms history would lead to potential ghost aggregation pipelines running on MongoDB

  • Fix: Applying alarms view with additional data would lead to excessive amount of alarm change events

  • Enh: Reduce memory footprint of messaging in many cases (particularly affecting osp-alarms)


  • Fix: Republish requests do not re-trigger pulse and delay anymore

  • Fix: Fixed RabbitMq errors when running multiple modbus modules on the same stack (#589)


  • New: Add alarm.insert function (#609)

  • New: Enable full control of alarms from scripts (acknowledge, escalate, clear, …) (#471)

  • New: Script can log with different level (#584)

  • Change: Simplify owner configuration structure (#548)

  • Change: Split callbacks into callbacks and outputs (#548)

  • Enh: Http request setBody() can take an additional mimeType parameter (i.e. “application/json”, “application/octet-stream”, …) (#588)


  • New: Trap’s variable bindings are now ordered in a determinist way, allow index access and allow dynamic addition of new properties (#467)

  • Changes in Lua rules scripts :

    • Trap’s variable bindings are now object and have a “translated_oid” field with the proper value when a MIB has been successfully applied (#467)

    • Trap’s additional_info field becomes additionalData (#574)

    • Trap’s vbs field becomes bindings (#467)

    • Trap’s bindings are now objects (c.f documentation) instead of pairs oid/value. Binding object has by default a value and an oid (binding.oid, binding.value) but new dynamic field can be added (c.f documentation) (#467)

    • When applying a MIB on bindings, if a translation for an OID is found, a new field “translated_oid” is added whose value is the found OID translation (#467)

    • Iterating on trap’s bindings should be done using the ipairs method (i.e for index, binding in ipairs(trap.bindings) do …)

    • Access of a trap’s binding through its OID is no longer possible through “[]” operator but a method has been made available to allow a similar behavior (i.e trap.bindings[“”] should be done using get_value_of_binding_with_oid(trap.bindings, “”)) (#467)

  • Fix: rules and lookups in subdirectories not taken into account

  • Fix: Number, string and boolean are handled properly into the additional data (#640)


  • New: Implement “go to area” feature in schematics

  • New: Default schematic page can be set by user in configuration

  • New: Add menu handling for any widgets

  • New: Migrate to jre-16 by default for java docker (#521)

  • Change : Change default healthcheck interval from 5 secondes to 1 seconde (faster startup time)

Version upgrade

  • Migration of docker image from Ubuntu:18.04 to Ubuntu:20.04 (#522)

  • Migration of docker image from debian to Ubuntu:20.04 for osp-envoy (#522)