Video streaming with control value



External Ressource

  • An RTSP video camera

Checkout branches

git checkout origin/osp-web .
git checkout origin/osp-video-configuration .
git checkout origin/osp-scripts .


In this tutorial you will learn how to control a video stream with an external variable.

The control will be performed by a script executed every 5 seconds. If the script found a lookup file command with a key named control, he will set the stream controller to true.

In this tutorial you will learn :

  • How to read a lookup file from scripts

  • How to set a variable from script

  • How to create a video dashboard

  • How to control the stream of a video widget


skinparam backgroundColor transparent
package "root/scripts" {
[owner.scripts] as trigger
[file-scripts.js] as script
[] as controller
[value.ospp] as value

package "root/url" {
[url] as url

package "root/dashboard" {
[dashboard.view] as dashboard

package "lookups" {
[command.lookup] as lookup

    node ospscripts as "osp-scripts"
    node ospweb as "ospweb"

ospscripts -[#black]-> trigger : <size:11><color:black>**own**
trigger -[#black]-> script : Execute each 5 sec
script .[#black]-> lookup : Read file
script -[#black]-> value : Write status of lookup

controller .[#black]-> value : <size:11><color:black>**Read boolean**
controller -[#black]-> url : Publish this URL when enabled

ospweb -[#black]-> dashboard : **Own**
dashboard .[#black]-> controller : Fetch stream from this value


1. Create the dashboard to visualize the video stream

Create a dashboard reading from the controller.


  "configuration": [
      "type": "VideoPlayer",
      "id": "Obj6KetA",
      "title": "Camera",
      "videoWidgetSettings": {
        "videoId": "root.scripts"
      "type": "ValueSubscription",
      "id": "ormntRfC",
      "title": "",
      "valueSubscriptions": {
        "values": []

  "layout": {
    "lg": [
        "w": 5,
        "h": 3,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "i": "Obj6KetA"
        "w": 7,
        "h": 3,
        "x": 5,
        "y": 0,
        "i": "ormntRfC"
  "breakpoints": {
    "lg": 1200,
    "md": 996,
    "sm": 768,
    "xs": 480,
    "xxs": 0
  "cols": {
    "lg": 12,
    "md": 10,
    "sm": 6,
    "xs": 4,
    "xxs": 2


    "moduleId": "modules.web.web-1",
    "title": "Example of Camera view",
    "description": "",
    "tags": []

2. Write a script reading the command.lookup



function main() {
    const is_enabled = lookup.get("command", "control", 0);"Camera state is {}", is_enabled)
    if (is_enabled == 0)
        return true;
        return false;


    "moduleId": "modules.scripts.scripts-1",
    "scheduledExecutions": ["0/5 * * ? * * *"],
    "accessedValues": [],
    "sourceFile": "root/scripts/check-file.js"


    "name": "Service status",
    "description": "The status of an external service",
    "type": "BOOLEAN"

3. Create a video stream controller

This file will link the URL and the value (must be a boolean value)


    "streamId": "root.url",
    "controllingValue": "root.scripts"

4. Create a video stream


  "networkBufferingTime": {
    "value": 1,
    "unit": "SECONDS"
  "disableStreamEncoding": true,
  "streamType": "STREAM",
  "serverId": "",
  "urls": [


    "name" : "Camera 01",
    "description" : "The camera",
    "type" : "BOOLEAN"

5. Open the web view (LOCAL IP:5000)

The video should not be displayed yet


6. Set the lookup content to enabled

To simulate an external behavior, we will manually create a file inside the scripts container.


This is totally a trick to show this feature. Do not use this in production.

From the command line fetch the container-id

docker container ls | grep scripts
Execute the following command with the previous ID
docker container exec -it [ID] echo "control;1; > /osp/config/lookups/command.lookup"

7. Re-open the web view (LOCAL IP:5000)

The video should be displayed (this can take ~1 min depending on the buffering settings of the camera)