
Create custom dashboard

OnSphere lets integrator create dashboard for users and groups. A dashboard is dependant on what the integrator wants to display to its users. Example on what could be shown:

  • Show list of alarms received by the system

  • Allow user to interact with physical access security (arm, disarm) and manage schedule

  • Display historied value with advanced filters and queries

  • Manage user services and scheduled task to perform

List of widgets

Widgets are displayed by the grid layout to show components organized in a mosaic way.

A grid layout consists of:

  • title which is the name of the arrangement of widgets

  • layout which lists how components are laid out (x, y, width, height) depending on breakpoints

  • breakpoints indicating at which width we move from one size to another one

  • cols which lists for each breakpoint the number of columns

  • configuration which indicates how widgets are configured

Default dashboard

Default dashboards can be used to specify which dashboard is shown when a user/group access the home page without direct link to a dashboard. They are resolved in order:

  • User: The most specific default dashboard can be setup for a user. It is done in either users.keycloak or on Keycloak itself.

      "enabled": true,
      "groups": [
      "username": "user",
      "credentials": [
          "type": "password",
          "value": "onsphere",
          "initial": true
      "attributes": {
        "authorizedKeys": [],
        "defaultDashboard": "root.some.dashboard.path"
  • Group: Default dashboards can be setup for any given group. It is done in either groups.keycloak or on Keycloak itself.

      "attributes": {
        "defaultDashboard": ["root.some.dashboard.path"]
      "clientRoles": {},
      "name": "assign-default-dashboard",
      "path": "/assign-default-dashboard",
      "realmRoles": [],
      "subGroups": []

Dashboard playlists


Dashboard playlists allow user to specify a dashboards cycle to iterate over.


To setup dashboard playlist, select the Manage entry in the menu toolbar.


Following inputs allow to configure a playlist:

  • Playlist name: Name of the dashboard playlist

  • Time between dashboards (seconds): Amount of seconds to wait between each dashboards

  • Dashboard list: The cycle order in which playlists plays

After setting the dashboard playlist up, press Apply to save it.



Playing a dashboard playlist is done by accessing the toolbar menu and selecting the playlist to cycle over.


Once started, the playlist toolbar entry will show a green dot.
