Items Rules



git checkout origin/osp-web-configuration .

Vscode extension

Example configuration

git checkout origin/example-template-playbook-use-of-rules .


This example manage to explain Items Render rules. This features allow to define specific behaviors for an entry inside an Inventory. This example aims to create 2 dashboards by line, but not for Fribourg. In this site, we want to suppress one node.

This kind of rules permit to exclude file or node or add them specifically for one row.

See the documentation general playbook template documentation and especially the items render.


1. Create an inventory


The column rule contain a path to the specific rule fribourg.items-render-rules. Rules are specific for every single entries of an inventory.

    "variablesFiles": [],
    "variables": {},
    "parentRules": [],
    "rules": [
            "type" : "ExcludeNode",
            "item": "templates.sources.example-1.dashboard-not-present-in-fribourg"

This rule deny templates.sources.example-1.dashboard-not-present-in-fribourg from being generated inside target’s destination.

2. Define a playbook

This playbook define one target of type ItemsRender using inventory created in previous step (templates/inventory/data.csv)

        "type": "ItemsRender",
        "source": "templates/inventory/data.csv",
        "fileRenderContext": {}


As in this example there isn’t any file to render, fileRenderContext is empty.

3. Create an incomplete dashboard

The file use a variable named dashboardName who is defined in inventory.

 2  "configuration": [
 3    {
 4      "type": "Text",
 5      "id": "bM8TpZoD",
 6      "title": "${dashboardName}",
 7      "textWidgetSettings": {
 8        "text": "${dashboardName}"
 9      }
10    }
11  ],

During items rendering, templateVariables is filled specifically corresponding to entry’s value of dashboardName.

    "moduleId": "modules.web.web-1",
    "title": "${dashboardName}",
    "description": "Tutorial template playbook",
    "tags": ["Tutorial"]

Then create an item called dashboard-not-present-in-fribourg who contains two files who describe one additional dashboard.

4. Execute the playbook

Generate the playbook template with one of the given command :

5. Playbook execution result

Here is the final state after file generation

├── fribourg
│   └── dashboard
│       └── dashboard.view
└── lausanne
    ├── dashboard
    │   ├── dashboard.view
    │   └── dashboard.web
    └── dashboard-not-present-in-fribourg
        ├── dashboard.view
        └── dashboard.web

The file now contain three dashboard, not that the dashboard-not-present-in-fribourg is absent from Fribourg

6. Push the configuration


Always use the command [execute-all] before pushing to be sure that there is no file auto-generated who are not used anymore (example a csv line is deleted).

git add .
git commit -m "Add two example dashboard"
git push

7. Visualize the result

There is three dashboards two for Lausanne and one for Fribourg
