Alarm table filter update with alarm severity widget



Checkout branches

git checkout origin/osp-alarms-web-configuration .
git checkout origin/osp-scripts-configuration .


The module Script is required to generate alarms.


The tutorial guides you through how alarm severity widget can be used to update alarm table filter.

In this example, we have 4 filters that the client might want to show counters for:

  • All alarms

  • Major alarms and above

  • Technical alarms

  • Remote alarms


1. Create a dashboard with widgets

The first step is to define a dashboard see this other example for how to.

In our example, we create a dashboard with the following widgets:

2. Create alarm filters, count and max severity

In order to show alarm severity widget count and max severity, we need to create 4 filters.


The first filter will match all alarms.

    "moduleId": "modules.alarms.alarms-1",
    "query": "{}"


The second filter will match alarms with severity of 500 (major) and more.

    "moduleId": "modules.alarms.alarms-1",
    "query": {
        "severity": {
            "$gte": 500


The third filter will match alarms with location outside of main location.

    "moduleId": "modules.alarms.alarms-1",
    "query": {
        "location": {
            "$ne": "Corminboeuf"


The fourth filter will match alarms with TECHNICAL and IT tags.

    "moduleId": "modules.alarms.alarms-1",
    "query": {
        "tags": {
            "$in": ["TECHNICAL","IT"]

For each filter, we create two value associated with it to track:

  • Alarm count matching filter

  • Highest alarm severity matching filter

For example, we create, for all filter:


    "filterId": "root.feature.alarm-severity-widget-interaction.filters.all",
    "type": "ALARM_COUNT"


    "filterId": "root.feature.alarm-severity-widget-interaction.filters.all",
    "type": "MAX_SEVERITY"

3. Add interaction to alarm severity widgets

Open dashboard.view file and seek the AlarmTable widget id. When found, seek the four AlarmSeverity widgets.

Setup the proper count and severity for each widget.

For each widget, we add, in alarmSeverityWidgetSettings the onClick attribute. In this, we add, for example, the following code:


This code retrieves the AlarmTable widget (id being OugLE_qA) and instruct to update the filter with root.feature.alarm-severity-widget-interaction.filters.all.

Repeat the same behavior for all four AlarmSeverity widgets.

4. Generate alarms and test interaction

Access the root.feature.alarm-severity-widget-interaction dashboard. Use the Form to generate alarms for each given filter.

To change alarm table


Upon retrieving the example, you can then access the root.feature.alarm-severity-widget-interaction dashboard. By default, you will see the following result:


Add this example in your configuration

You can directly use the following command to add this example into your configuration:

git checkout origin/example-dashboard-alarm-severity-widget-interaction .