Include library on schematics


This example will show you how to share asset for a Schematic.


This example assume that the extension vscode-drawio is used to create and display the schematic.


The complete example can be checkout from any onsphere stack

git checkout origin/example-dashboard-use-drawio-library .


1. Create an asset

  • Go to

  • Create a new project.

  • On the file menu select New library and then device. This will create a new shape folder on the left.

  • Create an asset. For example:

  • Select the asset and drag it on the previously created library.

  • Click on the pen and add a name to the asset.

  • Click save to download it.

2. Convert to created asset

Unfortunately, the format is not compatible with our MxGraph version but the conversion is simple.

  • On the downloaded file, extract the xml field.

  • Replace &lt; with <

  • Replace &gt; with >

  • Replace \" with "

    The orignal content .. code-block:

    &lt;mxGraphModel&gt;&lt;root&gt;&lt;mxCell id=\"0\"/&gt;&lt;mxCell id=\"1\" parent=\"0\"/&gt;&lt;mxCell id=\"2\" value=\"&amp;lt;div&amp;gt;OnSphere Example&amp;lt;/div&amp;gt;\" style=\"rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeColor=#FFFFFF;fillColor=#62b6f3;gradientColor=none;fillStyle=solid;\" vertex=\"1\" parent=\"1\"&gt;&lt;mxGeometry width=\"120\" height=\"60\" as=\"geometry\"/&gt;&lt;/mxCell&gt;&lt;/root&gt;&lt;/mxGraphModel&gt;

    should become .. code-block:

    <mxGraphModel><root><mxCell id="0"/><mxCell id="1" parent="0"/><mxCell id="2" value="OnSphere Example" style="rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;strokeColor=#FFFFFF;fillColor=#62b6f3;gradientColor=none;fillStyle=solid;" vertex="1" parent="1"><mxGeometry width="120" height="60" as="geometry"/></mxCell></root></mxGraphModel>
  • Once done you can encode it with the converter tools

  • Finally, replace the xml string with the new value.

1. Add an asset to a


The example assets created previously is saved under drawio-libs/onsphere.xml.

  • Include the asset directly on the extension (Not propagate between integrator)

    • Click on the pen to include the asset.

    • Click on Import and select the wanted file.

    • Click on Save to finalize the import.

  • Include the asset with the configuration of the extension

    Open the .vscode/settings.json and add the following content depending on where you have exported the asset.

        "hediet.vscode-drawio.customLibraries": [
                "file": "${workspaceFolder}/drawio-lib/onsphere.xml",
                "libName": "OnSphere",
                "entryId": "onsphere"

1. Use the asset

The newly loaded asset can be used as any other one already existing.


If they are missing:


You can display them by clicking on + More Shapes and selecting the wanted library (The one added via settings.json are shown under Custom Libraries).
