
Beta version

Features currently under evaluation may be modified in the next version without prior notice. If you are using these beta features, we welcome your feedback and experience. Your input is crucial to refining and improving these features before their official release. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us, and contribute to the evaluation process.

Object browser

The Object browser widget allows navigating through the OnSphere configuration and display all defined values. Upon expending a configuration element, you will be subscribed on the value and receive live value updates.

You can look for a specific value by entering its OnSphere path in the search field.

Example of Object browser widget:


Object Browser settings

This widget has no custom settings yet.

Example of object browser declaration in a dashboard :

    "id": "yj5R7Wqe",
    "type": "ObjectBrowser",
    "title": ""

Search function

As mentioned, only search terms corresponding to a valid OnSphere path are valid. Therefore :

  • root.devices.devices-01 is valid

  • devices-01 is invalid

  • devices.devices-01 is invalid

  • root.devices.* is invalid

  • My value name is invalid